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Regulations for „Play & win”  promotion

Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Limited Liability Company (headquarters: 4030, Diószegi road, East Industrial Site 6, company registration number: Cg: 09-09-012550, tax number. 13723574-2-09, e-mail: Tel: 003652437293 Fax: 003652437295) (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) organizes a promotion called "Play & Win" (hereinafter Game), whose promotional rules (hereinafter: Regulations) is determined as follows:

The Game is available on website or the label in the package of Quick Milk product with the manner indicated therein.

The organization of the promotional game: Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Ltd. (headquarters: 4030, Diószegi road, East Industrial Site 6, company registration number: Cg: 09-09-012550, tax number. 13723574-2-09, e-mail: mediamanager@felfö Tel: 003652437293 Fax: 003652437295)

Manager of the promotional game is Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Ltd.
The promotional game is called “Play & win ”

The duration of the promotional game: From 1. December 2015. until revocation.

Method and general conditions of participation in the game:
During the time period of the promotional game called „Play & win” application is continuous according to the conditions set in these regulations. Everybody will take part in prize drawing who has already signed for the game, a player can win even several times. In the "Play & Win" game players acknowledge and agree that:

a) Signing in for the Game is done by free registration on the website. In order to participate you have to register and give a correct answer to a simple question. You do not need to purchase. One player can register only once, other registrations will be cancelled.
b) By a single registration the player takes part in all draws.
c) During the registration process the player must provide full name (first name, last name), age, e-mail address and address (country / city). If the specified data is not real, then the registration is not valid and the player is not entitled to take part in the Game.  
d) The participants of the Game take note of the fact and by registering they agree that in case of winning a prize, personal data having been defined in point 7 will be published on website in a way that is referred to therein, in connection with the Game only.
e) Taking complete registration and adopting Game and Privacy Policy. The privacy policy is available at
f) Participating in the Game they acknowledge and accept all the conditions set in this games Rules specifically and in all respect, and contribute to their data management.
g) In the Game, any Hungarian or foreign individual can take part (other than the designated persons in point i) who register on website, gives correct answer to a given question and accepts present Games Rules and acknowledges Privacy Policy.
h) People under the age of 18 can take part in the Game under the supervision of their legal representative and prizes can be taken over only in the presence of these people.
i)Participation in the promotion is excluded concerning the owners of Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Ltd, its executive officers and all those people concerned to be close relatives of them according to 2013 Act V 8 (CC.) § (1) and all the people who took part in creating and implementing this promotional game.
j) Entering the Game: giving correct answer to the question after valid registration.

Playing the game
a) Those individuals who wish to participate in the Game should register on which is also marked on a notice in the packaging of Quick Milk products. Registration is free. It is compulsory to provide your full name (first name, last name), age, e-mail address, address (country/ city).
b) After the registration by giving a correct answer to a question concerning an uploaded video or other data content the player will be entitled to be a possible winner.
c) Upon registration the player have to make a statement about accepting the Game Rules and Privacy Policy. Only valid e-mail address are registered in the system. Those who do not accept Game Rules and Privacy Policy are not entitled to take part in the Game and its draws.

Among the participants of the Game draws are to be held every three months where in each and every case 50 prizes will be drawn: an Xbox 360, a bicycle being aware of the winner’s age and size, a Lego pirate ship and 47 pieces of presents manufactured and marketed by Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Ltd. The prizes cannot be exchanged to cash and cannot be transferred to third person.

The possible tax costs related to prizes are assumed by Promoter.
Date and manner of the draw:
 The organizer of the Game, Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Ltd. holds draws every three month. The draw will take place during the last week of every three month, on Friday. The exact date is always reported in advance on the website. 50 players will be drawn every occasion on random. Each registered player’s data will be collected in a database where the 50 winners will be drawn on the basis of random numbers generated by a computer program. The first player to be drawn will be the winner of the Xbox 361, the second one will be the winner of the bicycle, the third is the winner of the Lego pirate ship, and the other 47 will get Quick Milk products.
Winning notifications:
Notification of the winners is through e-mail address that was given when registering in five days from draws. The result will also be published on the website with the designation of name and address of winners. Handing over prizes will be coordinated with the winners via e-mail. It can happen in person or by sending a package via post. In case of personal takeover the prizes are available for 15 days from their announcement on the website at the headquarters of Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Ltd. (4030 Debrecen, Diószegi road, East Industrial Site 6.)

If the winner is not available via e-mail and does not take the prize over within the given period of time, he will not be entitled to the prize, and that given prize will be drawn again the next occasion. Receiving the prize is bounded to signing an acknowledgement of receipt.

By taking over the prize, the winner acknowledges that photos or videos can be taken of him. These documents are the property of the Promoter, and will be managed exclusively.

If the winner does not turn up, or the prize is not taken over, than the Organizer will consider that the winner has passed the prize up. The winners are not entitled to compensation if the receipt of the prize has not been made through his own fault. Compensation can only be possible at the same form of the unclaimed prize.

Game participants acknowledge that the Felföldi Sweets Confectionery Manufacturing Ltd. as organizer:

a) is entitled to change the rules of the game or to withdraw the promotion at any time and for any reason with proper notification of players.
b) Changing the rules of the game becomes effective after having been published on website.
c) Regarding present promotional game, Organizer does not take any responsibilities and excludes any call for compensation arising from faults or malfunctions of the promotional game. Regarding the 50 drawn prizes, the Organizer does not make warranties and the player is not entitled to make such claims against the Organizer. Such claims concerning defects covered by warranty can be enforced at manufacturer/ distributor/ seller (who have been denoted by Organizer when handing over the prizes)

Data protection and privacy
The Felföldi Sweets Manufacturing Ltd. declares that during the promotional game personal information is treated according to the provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on the right of informational self-determination and freedom of information and Act EU 2016/679 The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Data management registration number: NAIH 90722/2015
Data management registration number associated with sending newsletters: NAIH 90723/2015

With voluntary participation in the game players consent to managing and processing their personal data being provided during the promotional game. So to say, they consent to have their data included in a database and Organizer is entitled to use them for its own marketing purposes - until receiving players’ prohibiting statement. According to players’ specified statement during the registration process they consent to receiving newsletters from Organizer. 

Players are not eligible for compensation concerning publishing their personal information in public in connection with promotional game.

May 2018 Debrecen



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