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Make beanies out of old clothes!

Make beanies out of old clothes!


You can find great tips on Andreaschoice Youtube channel and this tutorial is absolutely great. It shows how simple it actually is to make a beanie out of, well, anything. 

She starts with saying how everybody has some old clothes like sweaters and skirts at the back of their closet that won’t ever be used again. These pieces of clothing are ideal for some DIY magic. With winter coming it’s never been more important to get some warm clothing and a fashionable, colourful beanie makes any outfit stand out of the crowd.

In the video she basically just cuts the sweater with an average size pair of scissors, and then glues the edges together with fabric glue, then she finishes the top of the beanie, waits 10 minutes for the glue to dry and voila…your brand new winter accessory is ready!

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