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An elephant calf got stuck in mud and the mother struggled to get the calf out as the rest of the herd left. Watch as the herd returns and a more experienced member gives her a helping trunk. So cute!
Did you ever wondered how tornadoes form and from where do they coming from? This is a great educational video for you to learn and get to know more about tornadoes.
Interesting video for kids to learn more about this unique natural phenomenon.
Bathe or not to bathe that is the question. Most of the cats hate water when bath time is coming. They try everything to stay dry. They hide, they try to escape, they even scratch! But there is a time when nothing helps anymore.
Hello Kids,
we are showin here 10 easy do it yourself gift ideas that you can easily make by yourself and surprise someone from your family or friends.
Christmas is almost here but you still have time to make one of these! Let's get started!
Good Luck! And Merry Christmas!
The WORLD'S BIGGEST SURPRISE EGG EVER ? All we know is it's BIG,HUGE,MASSIVE,MEGA & full of FROZEN Surprise TOYS! Enjoy watching this fantastic HD video for children and sing along to the frozen movie song "Let it go" on the Frozen Karaoke Microphone!
Each year in Alaska’s McNeil River State Game Sanctuary between June and August many brown bears appear to fish for salmon. People find this fascinating so some are granted access to the park to observe the wild animals.