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Search result: muffin

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Get the best pumpkin muffin recipe for Halloween

Check out Felfoldi's Classic Kitchen website for interesting blog posts with many recipes. As Halloween is here we share their pumpkin recipe. Watch the video and try to make at home, it looks super yummy.



What you need to know when you start to bake a muffin

Probably muffins are the favorite cake of a beginner housewife.  Baking muffin is not a big thing but we would like to share a few tip and tricks with you so then you can make the perfect muffin!


Amazing Cooking

These Pull-Apart Cupcakes are awesome and so easy to make! 


The history of muffins

Moufflet means soft bread in French. This is the origin of the word muffin. Only few people know that until todays mostly sweet muffin it went through a lot of changes. We will show you how it happened.
