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Search result: funny dog

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The reason why pugs are awesome!

This compilation video is proof that pugs are the funniest dogs in the world with their constantly worried little faces and adorable snores! 


Puppies learning new things

Puppies are just like curious kids and they find everything they see for the first time magical and scary at the same time. Watch this video made by Buzzfeed in association with Animal Planet if you want to brighten your day. These little cuties are so sweet and innocent it’s almost unbearable. I feel like adopting a puppy just now! 


Exercising with a dog

Ever imagine working out with your little buddy at the gym or even at home? Now, let professional dog trainer Eric Ko introduces a new exercise routine that you could try out with your little furry friend. What more? End the routine with a kiss and start over again. One, Two, Three, Four and Kiss! Let's get fit together!
